
Denkatorium: Philosophieren Schule Rezensionen Blog Beratung

You can find my current and future publications here

Here you will find in the future my philosophy books and other publications that I offer on different platforms (or publishers).

They are available as e-book, as well as in conventional form.

Hint: Right now they are only available in German.

Publikationen (publications) des Buchcovers Scheinwelten - Ein Versuch über unsere Realität

Every day we move in our world and thus in our reality, but is it really the way we perceive it?

Is it not possible that our reality and our perception play a trick on us?

Is there even THE one reality?

Can filter bubbles play a role here, or are we perhaps even trapped in them?

Possibly we understand these things quite differently when we take a closer look.

Manipulation by advertising, media, companies, friends, family, but also by ourselves – our unconscious actions, are the order of the day without us actively noticing it.

A philosophical consideration can help here to better understand ourselves, our environment and our fellow human beings.

At the same time, stop being a mere pawn in life and start thinking about how to make life a pawn so that it goes better for you.


Available on the following platforms:

Buchcover Shaolin Diät - ein tieferes Verständnis, für ein leichteres Leben

The martial art monks of Shaolin Monastery have always been a source of inspiration.

For some in the field of martial arts, for others in Buddhism and for still others in the broadest spiritual sense.

We can integrate such impulses and thoughts into our everyday life and thereby cultivate our inner warrior.

This philosophical guidebook aims to show which methods and thought approaches we can use to do just that.

– Available soon –

Platzhalter Buchcover In extremer Gesellschaft

Text available soon.